"Fira de Calella i l'Alt Maresme", which takes place at the Manuel Puigvert, ride is a sample fair of products, traditions and culture of Catalonia which received the Innovation Award of the Fairs in Catalonia in 2006. Calella's Fair happening in our city is a door open to other peoples of our country, it's showcase of everything we do in our land and a place of encounter and exchange of cultures.
In recent years, the town of Calella has a strong commitment to sport events and to become a Sports Tourism Destination and, in fact, it has been achieved through, among others, the Challenge (and Half-Challenge) Costa de Barcelona-Maresme, which this year celebrates its 3rd edition in Calella. Also held several championships of beach volleyball, handball, beach soccer, taking advantage of the spacious beaches of Calella.
The dimension of sport is universal. The sport has surpassed the sole aspect of physical activity and has occurred one of the cultural and media phenomena in our society. It as a role in the collective imagination and in the organization of everyday life.
This privileged status makes it possible in sports where they express some of the great values of contemporary society: the fair play, the collective success, personal improvement, the value of the strategy, teamwork, etc. At the same time, the media promote the values that derive from the sport.
The manifestations of the sport are numerous. Among others, we should mention the following relationships that bring meaning and significance to sport:
- Sport and health
- Sport and Competition
- Sports and entertainment
- Sport and Recreation
And for all these reasons, this year, the XXXI "Fira de Caella i l'Alt Maresme", that will be celebrated from 22 to 25 September, is dedicated to the sport.
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